Thursday, March 22, 2012


Wanted to add one more photo from South Lake Tahoe, one that showcases more effectively the absolute clarity of the water. Its a stunning sight to see the sun and snow contrasted so starkly against the backdrop of the lake.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I tend to focus more on nature photography on this blog, however my camera does occasionally see people. Here are some black and white shots of some friends. And one of me, just 'cause.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Part 2

Slightly more abstract photos. Something about snow, shadows, and contrast made it hard to not get overly distracted taking photos.

The beautiful land of Tahoe

Spent a week playing trivia games by the fire and chasing an adorable puppy through the snow in Tahoe.

Lake Tahoe itself, on a very blustery day. 

Fallen leaf. A pretty intense hike to take through unpacked snow, but completely worth it. Felt like the only people around.