Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yesterday I spent the day hiking through the Columbia River Gorge area. There's a million hikes/adventures I need to start going on in the greater Portland area (now that its sunny!) so I figured I'd start with Multnomah falls. They're the largest waterfalls in Oregon, and at 620 feet, claim to be the second largest falls in the country (although wikipedia just informed me that that that title is debated among waterfall experts--because apparently that's something you can be). The lodge/visitor center area was pretty ridiculous...tons of people clutching iced coffee drinks, paved paths to the viewing area, and way too many people taking pictures with their ipads. But after a strenuous hike to the top of the waterfall, suddenly the people disappear and a beautiful path carves up the side of the mountain, following a river with many smaller, though still impressive, waterfalls. There's a really beautiful loop hike that goes to the Wakena Falls. I think next time I'll start at the other end, so I get to end the hike with a frappuccino  (I'm only kind of joking).

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